Google shares a plethora of advice that I believe is mostly unattainable (in other words, BS)!

For example:

1. Get curious about self-care

2. Set Time aside for Quiet Reflection

3. Spend at least 15 minutes a day in meditation

4. Develop a pause button more often

5. Accept that stress is of your own making

6. Live in the NOW

7. Get more exercise

8. Learn how to manage stress

9. Give to others

10. Take control of your time

Guys, I have the answer and it is simple.

  1. Find 2 things that make your heart smile

  2. Find 20 minutes everyday to do at least one of these:

    • walk on the beach (or your personal version of it)

    • snuggle your dog, partner, sister, pillow

    • sit in a comfy chair and just sit

    • enjoy your morning coffee (I mean wake up early and really enjoy it)

    • Step outside your office and soak in some sunshine in the middle of the day

    • read 20 min of a good book

    • take a break and listen to some music

    • take a short drive

    • watch some cute kids play

    • just smiling will do it too

I get asked if I actually work because if you follow me on social media there are many pictures of paddle boarding, bike rides, cartwheels, concerts and walks on the beach. I answer, “Why yes I do, but I also LIVE LIFE on Purpose”!  I quit Corporate America to start my own company to have work life balance. It is still tricky, you have to be intentional with your time. It is important to take care of YOU so that you can be your best to take care of others.