Doing The Best We Can
I had the amazing opportunity to go see my mom and my family as soon as South Carolina opened this week. I say I went to take care of mom, but in reality, I needed to see her. I needed to see my sister, my brother, and my close friends. I needed to not just see them on skype, zoom, facetime, and Marco polo. I needed to see them face to face, feel their love and support to know that everything is going to be ok. I cracked and I will admit it! I stayed in Florida through this after checking with my mom and ensuring she was safe. I needed the sunshine and the ocean for me and the boys to thrive. As soon as SC opened, I decided to leave the next day to see my family. I couldn’t stop crying as I packed and prepared for the trip. I guess I was in survival mode for the last several weeks. I have been by myself for several years now, but not like this, not isolated. As I pulled into the farm and mom opened the door, I cracked again. Should I hug her, should I stay 6 feet apart? We prayed before I left that we would all be safe as we have all been social isolating and using all precautions. We decided we would not live in fear and just hugged. I didn’t want to let her go. My sister came down later that day and I cracked again. My family is my whole heart, we just hugged and cried in appreciation of our time together. I was able to let down my guard and realize how much I needed their love and support. It is possible, I cried all the way home not knowing when I was going to see them again.
There have been so many emotions pretty much daily through this entire Corona Virus. Tears, fears, hope, faith, disappointment, anger, love, courage, peace, and gratitude are the main emotions that come to mind. It is possible that I have all these in one day.
I don’t want to be prepared to be isolated. I don’t want to wear a mask and gloves everywhere I go. I don’t want to stand 6ft from people. I don’t want to get mad a people driving in their car by themselves wearing gloves and a mask. I don’t want to run out in the street to avoid walkers on the sidewalk. I don’t want to live in fear not knowing what to believe.

This Mother’s Day, I got to spend time with my mom who has taught me FAITH, COURAGE, GRATITUDE, AND LOVE!
She has taught me to be prepared as she has had toilet paper under her bed for two years, a food supply, and guns in case we need them. Not everyone has been blessed with this kind of MOM. I truly believe that we are all doing the best we can with the tools we are given. Mom also taught me to always build my toolbox with more tools, more knowledge, be informed, and then make decisions.

During this forced downtime, I have been gifted to get back to my passion of Life Coaching. I am practicing what I am preaching: starting my day with gratitude, good health, fitness, and nutrition to keep my immune system strong. I am working with my clients to take this time to find the gifts they are born with, to understand where they can find a balance now and after our normal begins.
For years as a personal trainer, I would tell my clients to put their masks on before the put the masks on others. It is imperative to take this time to create new healthy habits to remain strong and healthy for our next adventure. We are being forced to be present (really present) with our spouses, children, siblings, friends as well as our professional obligations. In a new virtual future, how do we remain present? Being present will take energy, strength, and courage. We start now, we start with how we start our day, how we treat ourselves and others. WE DO THE BEST WE CAN!